


Ramses DMO
Projection of particles along the z-axis of a dark matter only simulation at
redshift z=0 from the 512^3 particle simulation used in my master thesis with
the RAMSES simulation code.


Center Point Explosion for Ideal Gases with reflective boundary conditions using the finite volume Godunov, Weighted Average Flux (WAF), and MUSCL-Hancock method. Done on a 256 x 256 uniform grid with the HLLC Riemann solver and Van Leer limiter (where applicable). Created using the hydro-mesh open source software.
Kelvin Helmholtz Instability for ideal gases with reflective boundary conditions using the finite volume Godunov, Weighted Average Flux (WAF), and MUSCL-Hancock method. Done on a 256 x 256 uniform grid with the HLLC Riemann solver and Van Leer limiter (where applicable). Created using the hydro-mesh open source software.
Rayleigh Taylor Instability for ideal gases with reflective boundary conditions using the finite volume Godunov, Weighted Average Flux (WAF), and MUSCL-Hancock method. Done on a 512 x 512 uniform grid with the HLLC Riemann solver and Van Leer limiter (where applicable). Created using the hydro-mesh open source software.
Solution of the Test 4 of Iliev et al. 2006 using GEAR-RT, a radiative transfer solver in SWIFT. The test consists of 16 radiating sources in a static cosmological density field heating and ionizing the gas. The movie shows the evolution of the neutral and ionized mass fractions of hydrogen along with the gas temperature projected along the z axis of the entire simulation box.
Solution of the Test 5 of Iliev et al.2009 using GEAR-RT, a radiative transfer solver in SWIFT. The test is the classical problem of the expansion of an ionization-front due to a point source in an initially uniform-density medium, eventually forming a Strömgren sphere. The video shows the evolution of the neutral and ionized hydrogen mass fractions of the gas, the gas number density, pressure, and Mach number on the slice through the mid-plane of the simulation box.